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305 Lovin' 4: The Finale Page 7
305 Lovin' 4: The Finale Read online
Page 7
“Monae, what the fuck are you doing here?”
I heard Quay’s voice and I turned around to see him looking at me like I was crazy.
“Don’t look at me like that, and I could be asking you the same fuckin’ question. What the fuck are you doing here and where do you have that bitch hiding?” I asked, walking up on him like I wanted to swing on his ass.
Chuckling, he said, “Your ass is crazy for real. What bitch? Only bitch here right now is your crazy ass.”
That comment pissed me off and I punched him hard as hell in his chest because I didn’t find that funny at all.
I left him standing there and literally scanned this whole damn house, checking to see if he had a bitch stashed away. I was opening up fuckin’ kitchen cabinets, shower doors, I wasn’t taking no damn chances. These niggas had gotten smart, and if this house had a damn ladder, I probably would have climbed my ass in the damn attic. After I finished searching through all of these damn bedrooms and bathrooms and any other room that was in this big ass house, I made my way downstairs. When I came back down this time, Toya was standing there along with Quay, and they both were looking at me like I was crazy.
“Toya, what are you doing here?” I asked her as I took a seat on the steps.
I needed to catch my damn breath after running through this damn house like that.
“If you would have just stayed your ass home then you would eventually know why, Monae. Look how you come down here showing your ass like this,” Quay said, and that pissed me off because I hated when he tried to talk to me like I was a damn child.
“Well, you lied! You said that you were with my brother. What did you expect me to do? Don’t act like I’m wrong for spazzing out like this because had you been truthful, then you wouldn’t have to worry about me coming down here in the first place!” I fussed at him.
“Yeah, but it was a fuckin’ surprise, so I had to lie about the shit, Monae! Do you really think that I’m out here cheating on you, girl? I was fuckin’ serious when I said that I wanted this thing to work. I’m mad that you would even think of me like that. I bought this house for us, and I wanted to see it one last time before I signed anything, that’s why Toya is here,” he said.
I wanted to just crawl my ass up under a hole because I was so damn embarrassed. Quay walked away and Toya came and sat next to me on the step.
“Damn, bitch, you could have gave a bitch a hint or something. Save my ass the damn embarrassment,” I told Toya and she laughed.
“I didn’t know you was about to bring your ass down here like you work for the fuckin First Forty-Eight, trying to solve a damn case. Plus, I had promised Quay that I wouldn’t say anything about it because like he said, he wanted to surprise you. Girl, that man loves your ass. You know how much this damn house cost?” Toya asked me and then opened her folder. The price for the house was $2,691,000.
“Damnnn,” I said, looking at the price of the house. That’s why my ass was so damn tired, looking at the features of the house on the paper, I had just run through a house that had six damn bedrooms and five full baths.
“I don’t even know how to start off my apology. I bet he thinks I’m the stupidest bitch on the damn planet,” I said.
“Girl, not even because I would have reacted the same way if Dre said he was some place but he really wasn’t. I normally try to stay out of other people’s relationship business, but in your case, your ass was wrong, so man up and apologize,” Toya said and then stood up.
This was the first time I’d actually looked at her closely since she had been there, and something was different. Number one, she was glowing something serious, and number two, her ass was fuckin’ perfect in her white MK pantsuit, no homo shit either. Not to mention, her hips had spread too. I don’t know what her and Dre were over there doing, but the work he was putting in on her was sure as hell paying off.
“Why you staring at me like that?” Toya asked as she flipped her hair over her shoulders.
“Nothing, something is just different about you, and I just can’t put a finger on it,” I told her, standing up and wiping off the back of my pants from sitting on the steps.
“My God, you sound just like Charlie’s ass! I had lunch with her yesterday and she said the exact same thing,” she said.
Hell, then maybe what I was thinking was right.
“While you go and apologize, I’m going to go out to my car right quick to get the rest of the paperwork,” she said and I nodded my head and went to look for Quay.
I found him outside. That damn backyard was huge and the pool was beautiful. If he accepted my apology, I couldn’t wait for the times that I could come out back and swim around in the pool. I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist with my face in his back.
“I’m sorry,” I said.
He didn’t reply.
“Come on, Quay, don’t act like this. You know I love you and I appreciate you, but what was I to think? I had been trying to get in contact with you since this morning, and when I found out that you really weren’t with my brother, I just snapped,” I said, wrapping my hands around him tighter.
He removed my hands from around his waist and turned around to face me.
“Any other time, I wouldn’t have forgiven your ass so fast, but I can see why you felt like something was up. Monae, I’m thinking about our future together, that’s why I went and bought this house for us. This is the house where I want to have our kids grow up, and I want us to grow old together, but before we can master all of that, baby we got to have trust. The shit I did when we were apart, that’s the past, so you got to stop hanging that shit over a nigga’s head. Trust me the way I trust you, and we gone be good,” he told me and I nodded my head.
“I trust you, baby,” I said and kissed his lips. “So, when can we move in?” I smiled, looking up at him.
“Shit, I’m about to sign them papers now. I’m leaving all of that decorating shit to you. Just take my damn card, that’s the only part I’m helping with,” he told me.
“Ohh perfect, I already know what I want to do with our bedroom.”
After we finishing kissing, we headed back inside where Toya was in the kitchen area with a few papers spread out for Quay to sign. Like he said, this is the house where we would grow old together and I couldn’t wait. As far as kids, as badly as I wanted kids of my own one day, I at least wanted to get my degree first.
Both my best friends were out doing positive shit, and it was time for me to start taking life more seriously. I had about another semester left at Broward College and then hopefully I would be able to get in at the University of Miami. I felt like I haven’t done anything in a while that was worth me being congratulated for. Quan didn’t go to college, so my mother never got the chance so see any of her kids master that milestone in life. Since he wouldn’t be the one to do it, then if not for myself, I wanted to earn that degree to make my mother proud.
Chapter 12: Dre
One Month Later
It was Sunday morning, and Toya and I were on our way to my grandma’s house to have breakfast. Lucky for us, things had gotten back to the way the old Dre and Toya used to be. Of course we bickered here and there, but the shit wasn’t to the extreme. I could finally say that I had my old Toya back, and this was the lady that I had fallen in love with. I often found myself popping up on her while she was at work because it was something about watching my baby as she stood at the head of the table conducting business, being the head bitch in charge.
I’m sorry, but that’s what a bad bitch was to me. Any bitch could go out to the club, throw on a tight dress, have a 26-inch weave, have face beat to the gods, and a pair of red bottoms on their feet. But and bitch couldn’t run her own business and run it well, wake up every morning at 8 o’clock on the dot, and still find the time to cook and fuck for her man. Shit was sexy as fuck to me.
“I can’t wait until we get there. Grandma’s blueberry pancakes be the shit,” Toya said as she looked ov
er at me from the passenger seat.
Speaking of fuckin’ blueberry, her ass had become best damn friends with that shit lately. Blueberry pancakes, blueberries in her breakfast smoothies, and not to mention all them damn blueberry muffins her ass kept buying from Publix. I looked over at Toya and if I said it before, I’ll say it again, this woman was so fuckin’ beautiful, but it’s like her beauty was on another level this morning and she didn’t even have on makeup because I watched her ass get ready. All she had on was my favorite lipstick that I love to see her wear from MAC. I don’t know the color but it was some light colored pink. I paid attention to everything her ass wore so when I went to the mall to pick me up something, I could easily get her something too without worrying about whether she’ll like it or not.
“Why you been fuckin’ with all these blueberries and shit lately?” I asked her, looking down at her as she played around on her phone.
“Damn, I can’t like blueberries, Diandre?” she asked, placing her phone in her lap and turning to look at me.
There she goes again with them damn gray eyes. I looked at those hickies that I had planted on her neck which looked like damn bruises. I’m not even going to lie; a nigga be handling his business in the bedroom.
I threw both of my hands up in surrender and continued the drive to my grandma’s house. Five minutes later, we pulled up into the driveway and I shut the car off and got out. I went around to Toya’s side and opened the door for her. She stepped out, sporting a denim shirt, which she had the top two buttons undone and it was tucked into a navy blue high waist skirt. She had her long hair in her signature part down the middle, but instead of the usual curly hair, she had it straight. Her feet were in a pair of blue Steve Madden heels and a blue Chanel hung over the shoulder that I had bought for her with the money from that night I beat Quan’s and Quay’s ass in Madden. Five thousand dollars apiece from both of them niggas, and I spent all of that money on this beautiful woman standing before me. She was worth so much more though.
After helping her out of the car, I walked behind her and I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her ass. Yes, usually I’m a creep when it came down to my woman, but I literally could not help myself right now even if I wanted to. It was something about those long ass legs in these heels and this skirt.
“Damn, T, why you had to wear this skirt, man?” I asked as I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. “Look at what the fuck you doing to my dick, man.” I took her hand and brought it toward my dick.
“Damn, I thought I handled that this morning,” she said and squeezed my shit. “As soon as we eat breakfast and spend some time with Grandma, and then you take me shopping like you promised you would, I’ll handle him, baby. Until then, I am starving,” she said and turned around to kiss my lips.
I sucked my teeth because I forgot I had told her ass this morning in the middle of sex that I would take her to Bal Harbor. I had to stop promising Toya’s ass shit while we were fuckin’ because I owed her ass a damn chinchilla coat, a trip to Cuba, and some other shit that I couldn’t remember. Good pussy will have your ass damn near trying to sell your soul to your girl.
We were engaged in a full, blown out kissing session, and the way she was moaning against my lips, I wanted so badly to take her ass to the car. Shit, all I needed was two fuckin’ minutes! Just two!
“And good morning to you too,” my grandma said, opening up the door and smiling at both of us.
Toya quickly pushed me away from her, wiped her mouth and then mine, and turned around to face my grandmother.
‘Hey, Grandma,” she said, shyly.
“No need to act shy now. I done already seen it all,” my grandma said, pulling Toya in for a hug and then kissing her cheek.
She did the same with me, and we all walked into the house to eat. When we walked in the dining room, the table was filled with blueberry pancakes, Garcia sausages, cheese eggs, grits, and bacon. My mouth watered as I looked at all the mouthwatering food on the table.
“I’m going to go and watch my hands,” Toya said.
I turned to follow her, but she shook her head no and placed her hand on my chest.
“Girl, ain’t nobody about to fuck with your ass,” I said, slapping her ass hard as hell and letting her lead the way.
“Dre, leave that damn girl alone,” my grandma fussed and I laughed.
After we finished washing our hands, we made our way back to the table and took our seats. My grandma said the prayer and when she finished, I went to work putting some of everything on my plate. Shit, breakfast was my favorite meal after Toya. When I finished fixing my plate, I went ham on my shit.
“So, Toya, how is the job going?” my grandma asked Toya, who was stuffing her face with pancakes. When she swallowed, she began to speak.
“It’s perfect. At first I was a little discouraged, being that my employees are older than me and have a little bit more experience than I do, but I got over that really quick. As far as being out there in the field, I love it. I didn’t want it to be where I’m at the office all the time, so usually on Thursdays and Fridays, I’ll show a house since that’s the busiest days,” Toya said.
“That’s good. I’m happy to hear that you are enjoying it. What about you, my handsome grandson? What have you got going on?” she asked me, as she cut through her pancakes.
“Well, you know me, Mama. Just out here trying to keep hustling, working on finishing up my first album,” I said as I ate my food.
“And I support you with that one hundred percent. Better than me having to stay up all night, praying for you, making sure you out here being careful. I finally have a peace of mind,” she preached.
I don’t know how many times a nigga done heard this speech before. I just nodded my head because I didn’t want to come off as disrespectful.
After we finished eating dinner, I went into the living room area to watch TV, while Toya and my grandma straightened up the kitchen and shit. I turned the TV on to music videos, and as soon as they joined me in the living room area, my grandma snatched the remote from my lap and turned the TV to Bobby Jones Gospel. Toya laughed and then plopped down in the couch next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. We sat there watching TV for about thirty minutes or so.
“I’ll be back, I’m about to go and use the bathroom,” Toya said, standing up.
I looked over at my grandma, who was in the LA-Z- BOY and she was knocked out. I quickly stood up and followed Toya. Shit, I needed to bust a damn nut, and I knew for a fact that I couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Wait, T, go to the one upstairs,” I told her and she looked back at me like I was crazy.
She still tried to walk into the bathroom but I quickly walked up and grabbed her by her arms before she could close the door in my face. I picked her up and carried her up the stairs.
“Dre, what are you doing? Put me down,” she said, trying to wiggle her ass out of my arms, but I had a strong grip on her. We made it upstairs and I took us to the bathroom all the way at the end of the hall and closed and locked the door behind us.
“I’m sorry, baby. Just don’t wear this skirt again if you not trying to get fucked,” I said as I unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the floor, along with my boxers.
Toya already knew what time it was. “I swear, if your grandma hears us, I’m going to be so pissed with your ass,” she said, unbuckling her top and letting it hit the floor.
I unzipped her skirt from the back and loosened her bra for her. I let her step out of her lace, boy short panties and then I cupped both of her titties in my hand, which fit so perfectly. They also felt a little bit heavier than usual.
“Hmm, they’re so sore,” Toya moaned as I massaged her nipples with my fingers.
I pushed her hair to the side, leaned in, and started kissing her on her neck as I continued to massage her breasts. I had us facing the mirror and her back was to me. I couldn’t wait to see those pretty ass fuck faces that she makes when I’m blessing
her with this dick.
“Put your foot on the toilet seat,” I told her.
Of course, the seat was down. As soon as she had that perfect arch in her back, I slid my dick in slowly and she let out a loud moan.
“I thought you said that we had to be quiet?” I bit down on her shoulder.
How the fuck was she the one to initiate something and she wasn’t even following her own damn rule?
Her pussy was so damn warm and tight, that I had to think of some crazy ass shit because if not, I would bust prematurely. It’s like every time I slid inside her, her greedy ass pussy would suck all of my shit up and push it back out, making it hard for a nigga not to cum fast. I watched as her knuckles turned white from gripping the edge of the counter so damn hard. She put her head down, closed her eyes, and bit down on her bottom lip.
“Nah, open your eyes,” I whispered in her ear as I held her by her small waist, knocking her off with deep, slow strokes. No matter how many times I fucked this pussy, it still felt tight as hell like I was fuckin’ her when she was a virgin again.
“Dreee… I love you baby. I love you… Hmmm it feels so good,” she screamed and I had to turn the water on in the bathroom from her being so loud.
I loved seeing Toya submit to me like this. Taking dick like a pro and making a nigga feel like I was handling my business. She always gave me my fuckin’ credit when I was going to work on that pussy.
“I love your fine ass too,” I told her as I grinded even harder inside of her, rotating my hips, making sure she felt all of this pressure. “You ready for a nigga to put his Jr. inside you? Come on, T, when you gone give my ass a son?” I asked her as I continued to attack that pussy with my dick. Just like how I would submit to anything to her ass during sex, she would do the exact same thing.
“Ohhh fuccckkk,” she screamed.
I slapped her thigh and pulled my dick out.
“Answer the damn question!” I said, looking down. Her juices had my dick soaking wet.
“Dre, put him back in, please,” she begged, looking like her ass was possessed or some shit.