305 Lovin' 4: The Finale Read online

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  We made it outside and hurriedly walked through the parking lot to get to my car. I cursed myself for parking all the way in the back because had I been in the front, we would have made it to the car already.

  “Chantel, where you going?” a deep voice called out, but I kept walking like I hadn’t heard it. She tried to turn around but I shoved her, letting her know to keep walking.

  “Chantel, where the fuck is you going? You can’t just fuckin’ leave. Your ass is supposed to be in there fuckin’ working,” he barked again.

  When I turned around, ready to knock this nigga out, I suddenly remembered that beard. This was the nigga who she had left with that night.

  “Yeah, well she quit! She doesn’t want to fuckin’ work here anymore. She has other jobs that she could be doing and making way more money than the minimum wage that she’s getting here,” I said, speaking up for Chantel and pushing her behind me.

  “Why does something in the back of my mind tell me that you’re Tracy? Dude that was blowing her up when she came home with me that night. That’s a fuckin’ woman that’s standing behind you, not some fuckin prostitute! Chantel, go back inside!” he said to her and reached in the back of his suit and pulled a gun.

  My eyes damn near bucked out of my sockets because I just knew that when I died, it would be because Quan had finally caught up to me.

  “Don’t kill him, Davion! I know that Quan would want to be the one to do it after what we did to his daughter,” I heard this bitch say.

  Shit, if Quan was going to kill me, he needed to kill her ass too because she helped with the shit. As a matter of fact, it was her fuckin’ idea. I swear, bitches ain’t shit.

  “This nigga came into the club the other night, called you all type of bitches and hoes, and you worrying about what the fuck he wants still? Take your ass in the club while I handle this nigga,” he told her.

  He kept his gun trained on me as he watched Chantel disappear inside the club. We were standing all the way in the back of the parking lot, and it was just the two of us.

  “I’m only killing your ass because I know for a fact that you would have laid hands on her tonight. The first night I brought her home with me, as soon as all that makeup came off of her face, I saw the black eye that you had given her. We need less people like you walking around this bitch! Any last words before I kill your ass?” he asked.

  I chuckled and spit on the floor. “Yeah, make sure you ask Chantel for some head from time to time because that bitch can suck a mean di—”


  I never even got the chance to finish what I was saying because a few seconds later, it was nothing but straight bullets piercing my body.

  Chapter 9: Toya

  Two Months Later

  “Good morning, everybody. As you all know, my name is Latoya Diaz, and not only is this my company, but it’s also yours! I want us to think of this team as a family because we all share the same goal, which is selling houses. Two hundred. I want all of you to keep that number in your head because at the end of every year, I want that to be the number of houses that each and every one of you sell. I’m going to let you all get to work in a minute, but there’s just a few things that I would like to address first.

  “Being a buyer’s agent was a passion for me ever since I was in high school, and I knew that this is what I wanted to do with my life once I graduated college. I say that to say, if this isn’t your passion, please do not waste my time or yours. If someone in your life put the idea in your head that this is something that you should do, again, do not waste my time. This is a business and it’s going to take a lot of added attention to detail, and also commitment to great customer service.”

  I stood in the middle of my conference room, looking around at the twenty employees that I had hired. I had the best of the best on my team, and I knew for sure that without a doubt that we would be the best team in town and shut down Miller’s with no questions asked. This is what I loved to do, and I was trying to make sure that I instilled that love in them too. Each and every one of these bodies that were sitting before me had already been interviewed, and clearly I was impressed with what I saw because if I wasn’t, they wouldn’t be there.

  Dre had come through on his promise that the building would be done in a month, but it took about another month to get the place decorated, go through the whole hiring process, and everything else like that. It was a lot of stress, but in the end, it all turned out great.

  “I’m going to wrap it up. Does anyone have questions?” I asked.

  One guy in the back raised his hand. I remember him from his interview. His name was Larry and he was very flamboyant. But after reviewing his resume, I knew for a fact that the man could network his ass off, and I for sure needed him on my team.

  “So, will Ms. Diaz continue to go out in the field or will you just work from here?” he asked me and I smiled.

  “Like I said, this is my passion, and just because I’m the boss it doesn’t mean that I’m going to sit around on my ass all day. I have to remember the number two hundred too. So, to answer your question, yes I will be out in the field,” I said.

  I didn’t want to be that boss who just sat on her ass all day and did nothing. No! I wanted to be all up and through the business. I went to school so that I could work in the future, not sit behind a desk and do nothing.

  “Okay, if there aren’t any more questions, you all can get to work now,” I told them.

  After they all exited the conference room, I packed up my briefcase along with my purse and left as well.

  I closed the door behind me and walked over to the front desk. “I heard your lil’ Dr. Martin Luther King speech in there. I hope you don’t think I’m going to be calling your ass Ms. Diaz around here,” Monae’s crazy ass said and I laughed.

  She had come to me with the idea of being the receptionist, and I didn’t think that it was a bad idea, so I hired her. I figured since she was a college student, why the hell not? Plus, her ass needed some damn working experience because asking Quan for money all the damn time wasn’t a damn job.

  “This shit just feels so unreal to me for some reason. A few months ago, I was working for somebody else’s company. Now here I am with my own, and half the people that I hired are older than my ass. Even though they probably have more experience than I do, I can’t let that shit bother me because I’m just as good as all of their asses, hell, probably better,” I told Monae.

  “Toya, your ass don’t have anything to worry about. So, let me guess, does this mean you’re about to go back to being the old Toya again, staying your ass at work until the wee hours of the morning?” Monae asked.

  “Not even, Dre already shut that down this morning. He told me that the latest I can stay is ten. Talking about, I’m the boss now so I don’t have to overdo it. He got some nerve though because when he goes to the studio, he doesn’t bring his ass home until about three in the damn morning most nights,” I said.

  Monae just laughed and shook her head.

  “Alright, well I’m going up to my office. You have the number, so call me if you have questions. Monae, don’t be up here texting and shit in front of customers. I don’t care if you do the shit while nobody is watching. Remember, my name is on the line,” I said and prepared to walk away.

  “Okay, Ms. Diaz,” she sarcastically said and I gave her a look, telling her not to test me, then I walked away.

  I was back. Yeah, I may have gone through some shit to get to where I’m at, but I wasn’t going to let that negative shit define me because at the end of the day, it made me a stronger person. And in the end, I came out on top. As far as Dre and I having a baby of our own, we damn sure were practicing every night. I was ready now, and I knew that he had been ready since day one, even if I wasn’t. That’s my baby though, and looking around this place, I just know that if it wasn’t for him, none of this would have been possible. That’s why I have been rewarding his ass with pussy ever since.

>   Chapter 10: Quan

  “You hear that?” the doctor asked Charlie and I as we sat in the room and listened to the baby’s heartbeat.

  We were switching things up a little bit this time around. Before, when Charlie was pregnant with China, we had to go to an OBGYN that we could afford because let’s be real, neither one of us had insurance, so we had to get what we could. This time, we we went to the best OBGYN in town because I wanted to make sure that my wife was getting the best care and the best advice and shit.

  Charlie was now six months pregnant with our baby girl and I couldn’t wait for our princess to get here. I ain’t going to lie, a nigga wanted a boy, which only meant that we would have to try again after we got this pregnancy out of the way. When you think about it, I was surrounded by females my whole damn life. I had my mama, Monae, Charlie, China, and now another baby girl on the way. It wasn’t enough testosterone in the house, and dealing with all of these damn females was going to drive a nigga crazy.

  But leave it to Charlie to think that this was going to be her last pregnancy. I didn’t know who the hell she thought she was fooling because on some real shit, a nigga wanted a damn football team. The way I see it, Charlie and I are still young, shit we haven’t even made it to our thirties yet, so it was way too damn soon to stop now.

  “Good, strong, heartbeat,” Dr. Bailey said as she continued to move the fetal Doppler around on Charlie’s stomach.

  “Doctor, I have a question. Is she allowed to still work while she’s this far along in the pregnancy? She has her own store, and she likes to always be in the middle of everything. I know my wife, so I know she probably be overdoing it while she’s there, so is it okay for her to continue working?” I asked.

  Charlie looked at me and sucked her teeth. Hell, since we found out that she was pregnant, I didn’t want her doing shit. I wanted to be the one taking care of her, and I just didn’t want her to take any risk that could lead to us losing the baby.

  Doctor Bailey laughed at the look Charlie shot me and proceeded to answer the question. “It is very much okay for Charlie to continue working, just keep in mind that while you are at work, do not exert yourself. Take breaks if you have to. Whenever you go to sit down, walk around your seat to ensure you don’t strain your back and eyes. As you get further along, you may experience your body slowing down, so you’ll know when you’re overdoing it. Always remember to listen to your body, and the moment you feel that you’re pushing yourself too much, take your maternity leave”.

  “Okay, and Doctor, since we’re clearing up questions, can you please explain to my dear husband what it means to ‘eat for two’ because clearly he has misinterpreted the true meaning. He thinks that I have to eat large portions of food, and his favorite line to tell me is, ‘feed my damn baby,’” Charlie sarcastically said.

  Dr. Bailey burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing she’d heard all day. Now, it was my turn to shoot Charlie a look.

  “Okay, Mr. Williams. Don’t feel bad because a lot of people are really unsure of what the term really means. It is a common saying that a pregnant woman must eat meals for two, even though it’s not really true. Everything that Mrs. Williams eats, the baby will get nutrients from it. So her main focus should be on eating healthy foods and nutrients, and not eating twice the amount she’d normally eat when she’s not pregnant. An extra three hundred calories a day is really all she needs,” Dr. Bailey said and I nodded my head.

  “Do you all have any more questions?” she asked and both of us said no.

  After she finished cleaning up Charlie’s stomach, she printed out our ultrasound pictures for us, shook both of our hands, and left the room.

  “Help me up,” Charlie said, reaching out for me.

  I stood up from my seat, pulled up my pants and walked over to my pregnant wife. I helped her up, and when she was up on her feet, I helped her step back into her jeans.

  Once we left the room, we went back up front to schedule our next appointment and then we walked out of the building. I held onto my wife’s hand the entire time as we made our way to the car. Once I made sure that she was comfortable in her seat, I went over to my side and got in.

  “Where you want to go eat at? I know your ass hungry,” I said to Charlie as we pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Let’s go to Benihana’s.” She beamed and I sucked my teeth.

  I hated that damn restaurant and she knew it. I didn’t like the fact that we had to sit with other families, and when we did sit with them, they stared at a nigga the whole damn time, making me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t mind the staring because I knew it came with the territory, but damn if a nigga was out with his wife and kid, I wanted a little bit of peace.

  “Out of all the restaurants in the damn world, your ass chose that one,” I told her.

  She didn’t get a chance to reply because her phone starting ringing. I watched as she fished in her purse for her phone and then pulled it out and answered.

  “Hey, sis,” she said, and I knew it had to be either Toya’s ass or Monae. “No, I’m with Quan now, we’re coming from my prenatal visit… I been with him since early this morning. What’s up with all the questions, Monae? What you trying to find out?” she asked.

  I watched as she listened to whatever the fuck it was that my drama queen sister was fussing about. Her ass always had some shit going on.

  “Alright, call me back and let me know what happens,” Charlie said and then she ended the phone call.

  “What she got going on?” I asked Charlie as I jumped on the highway.

  “Talking about she just now hearing from Quay after calling his ass all morning. And then when she asked him where he was, he told her that he was with you in the studio today.”

  I just shook my damn head.

  Class is now in session. To all the niggas out there that like to fuck around on your girl and do dumb shit, let me put ya’ll up on game to some shit. If your dumb ass was going to cheat on your girl, please tell your homeboy so that he could cover for your ass, because in the end, your ass is going to look fuckin’ stupid. Don’t tell your girl that you were chilling with your homies and not update your homies on the lie because then the shit won’t work out in your favor. Quay knew that shit, so I don’t know why the fuck he did it.

  I don’t know what the hell Quay was out here doing, but I hoped he get his shit together. I wasn’t fighting this battle for Monae though. She wanted to scream and holler all day long about being grown, so be grown and handle your fuckin’ business. Yes, that was my sister and I loved her lil ass to death, but I told her from the beginning not to get me involved in her and Quay’s shit.

  Chapter 11: Monae

  This nigga must really think that I’m fuckin stupid. When it came to Quay, lately I felt like my ass was walking on pins and needles with him, scared to say certain shit because I was afraid of him walking away again. I felt like this nigga was smelling himself lately, and I didn’t like that shit one bit. He was treating me like some hoe that he had met on the streets and I wasn’t about to take that. I’d text him and all I would receive is a damn one-word text from him, not to mention his ass, including Dre and my damn brother, stayed out of town.

  I didn’t want to be this loud ass, ghetto ass girlfriend, but I didn’t want to be fuckin’ disrespected either, and that’s exactly what I felt like he was doing. Ever since I moved in with him, I noticed that’s when the majority of our issues started. Plus, I still wasn’t over the fact that he almost got a bitch pregnant and then I had to fight this hoe in the streets like I was some classless, insecure ass little girl. Quay claimed that the condom broke, but I was having a hard time believing that.

  When Quay and I first started having sex, we were using protection all the time and the condom never broke, so why is it that all of a sudden you claimed to have fucked the bitch that one time and the damn condom broke? Try that shit again with somebody else because I didn’t believe that shit.

  I didn’t wan
t to believe that Quay was cheating on me, but he was leaving me no reason to not think that he was. I especially believed that he was cheating on me now because his ass had told me that he was with my brother all day, and when I called and talked to Charlie, she said she had been with Quan since this morning. Not to mention, I was calling Quay’s phone for about an hour straight before I got him to pick up. I was a strong ass female, and I wasn’t about to chase after no man that didn’t want to be kept. I wasn’t about to beg no nigga to be with me, and if Quay no longer wanted this relationship, I wasn’t about to beg his ass because I was tired of doing that.

  Even though I just gave this academy award winning speech on this nigga, I was still in my car using the GPS from my phone to get to the destination that “find my iPhone” gave me. I had Quay’s username and password to his Apple account, so I was able to track down his destination. If I was going to walk away from this situation, I wanted to at least go out with a bang!

  Damn near forty-five minutes later, I was pulling up to this big ass houses located in Sunny Isles. Okay, so he was visiting a bitch with money. Well, shit, at least he had good taste. I went through the security at the gate and all he did was write down my license plate number. He didn’t ask me who I was coming to see or nothing like that. I continued driving until the GPS indicated that I had arrived at the location. The only car in the driveway was Quay’s BMW. The house was a nice, two story, single family home and it was honestly like one of those houses that you see in the movies. The grass was so green and cut so well that it almost looked fake. I pulled up in the circular driveway and turned the car off. I left my purse under my seat and jumped out the car.

  With my phone in hand, I walked up to the door and something told me to just turn the knob. When I did, it opened right up. I stepped inside, and with every step that I took, I could hear my echo.