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Down With the King of the South 2 Page 5

  The sun was going down, and we were finally about to leave this big ass park after being in this shit since this morning. Shae was in the restroom while Taniya and I waited for her outside. We sat at a table which had a little shaded area for us. I could look into my daughter’s big, hazel eyes, which resembled mine, and I could tell that she was sleepy as hell. She pretended that she was fine and that she could stay at the park for at least another hour, but the tired look on her face along with the way she kept yawning every five minutes told me everything I needed to know. I was tired my damn self.

  Taniya had Choc and me getting on just about every ride with her. We had to have walked this big ass park at least four times, and my feet were killing me in the Yeezy’s that I wore out here. The sun had been beating down on my face since we stepped out, so the adidas shirt that I wore, I’d taken it off and stayed in the white tank top and gym shorts. There was no real reason why I decided to take my daughter to Disney World today. I just wanted to do something nice for her, because for the past couple of weeks, my baby had been fighting a bad cold. Plus, Tahira was getting ready to start that new job in Washington, and Taniya would be staying with me full time for a while anyway, so this was basically just the celebration of that.

  “Yeah, she’s coming back. You like her?” I asked Taniya, who had an ice cream cone in her hand. It was more ice cream on her damn face than in her mouth.

  When we came out here, I had dressed my daughter nicely in a Nike outfit with the matching shoes, and since I didn’t know shit about doing hair, Choc had fixed her hair up for me. My baby girl was nowhere near the same condition she was in hours ago when we go here. I could literally see everything her little ass had eaten on her shirt and her pink shorts. The new shoes that I’d bought her last night were filthy. All I could do was laugh and shake my head. I knew that after a good bath tonight, her ass was going to knock out, and that was really all that mattered.

  “Yes, I really like her. She’s your girlfrriieennnddd?” my daughter sang the girlfriend word with a smile on her pretty little face.

  “Something like that. Throw that ice cream out because you making a big ass mess,” I told her, and at the same time, Choc came out of the restroom.

  She was using a paper towel to dry off her hands while scanning the area to see where we were. She didn’t have to look very long because, in a few seconds, Taniya had jumped up from her seat and rushed over to her then the two of them came my way. Watching Shae walk my way, I swear all I could think about was Trip and how foolish that nigga had to be to let something as beautiful as her walk away. Although Shae didn’t physically walk away from that nigga, him catching that murder charge was basically his way of losing her.

  When I got Shae, I swore I wouldn’t do shit to put myself in the position to risk losing her. She was too fuckin’ perfect to do some shit like that. Shae was the girl that I had wanted ever since I first saw her. We were teenagers back then, and she was with Trip, so I couldn’t pursue her if I tried. In my opinion, Shae available. She had held that nigga down long enough, and now it was time for a nigga to hold her down, and that was going to be me. We were perfect for each other, man. Simply put, I just loved being around her.

  Looking at the smile on my daughter’s face as she held Choc’s hand, damn near dragging her over to the table, proved that everything about this shit was right. I had two of my favorite girls with me at the same time, and to a nigga like me, this feeling was everything.

  “A nice bath is calling my name. I feel so sticky and dirty. My feet are killing me too, and I’m so damn dizzy from getting on all of those rides,” Choc said as she came over and sat between my legs on the bench.

  I was sitting on top of the table, allowing myself to feel somewhat of a breeze, but we were in Orlando and not too far away from summer, so it was honestly not that much of a breeze anyway.

  Choc had her long hair pulled back into a low ponytail. She wore a black and green Nike sports bra with the matching tights and a Nike jacket wrapped around her waist. Her Nike shoes matched perfectly with her outfit. I saw nothing dirty or sticky about her ass. When she sat down, I swear I still smelled that fruity ass lotion and perfume that I watched her put on this morning in her room while she was getting ready.

  “You want me to carry you to the car?” I asked.

  “Hey! You’re supposed to carry me. My feet hurt too, Daddy,” my daughter jumped in and said.

  I had no idea her little ass was even paying attention to us because she was a few feet away, playing with the bubbles that someone was outside blowing. Taniya knew damn well that her feet weren’t hurting because I’d been carrying her all day on my back or my neck. That was just her being spoiled as hell.

  Shae laughed while she stood up and reached her hand out like she was helping me to get up. When I stood up from the table, my tall body towered over her small one. I pulled her into my arms, kissing the top of her head for a few seconds before the three of us walked to the car. Well, Shae and I walked. I had to carry Taniya.

  A few hours later

  “Your daughter is a mess! You know she made me braid her hair, right? She wanted me to read her a bedtime story, and I told her that I didn’t have any books on hand, so this little girl goes and gets my phone then maneuvered her way through it to download the Kindle app. She made me log in and everything then find a book so I could read it to her. She’s sleeping now, and I think I can have a few pulls of whatever it is you’re smoking on,” Jashae said when she came outside on the balcony where I was.

  She and my daughter had already bathed, but I was waiting to take my shower. I was still in my clothes from earlier, finishing off this blunt and enjoying the view. I could tell that when she took a shower, she must have washed her hair because now her hair was damp, and it was curly. She wore pajamas, which really wasn’t nothing but a tank top and some shorts. She tried to sit in the chair next to me, but I patted my thigh, telling her to go ahead and sit on my lap.

  “She gets that bossy shit from her mama. Taniya acts just like her damn mama. I don’t get on her about it, though, because she’s respectful with it. She loves for people to read to her at night. Since she’s been living with me, I done had to buy so many books from Barnes and Noble. It’s so crazy because most kids will take your phone and automatically start looking for games, but when Niya holds your phone, she goes straight to YouTube and starts looking for little channels where they read to you. My baby mama and I may not always see eye to eye on a whole bunch of other shit, but I’ll give her credit and say that she’s raising the fuck out of our child,” I said, and Shae shook her head.

  “Yes, she’s so respectful and smart. She gives me baby fever when I’m around her, but maybe that’s just me missing my own baby,” she said sadly.

  “I could use a few more myself. What you trying to do?” I asked, turning my head away from her to blow the smoke in the opposite direction of her face.

  Shae looked at me like I was crazy before she burst out laughing. At the same time, my phone started buzzing on the end table that was outside on the balcony with us. I looked down at the screen and saw that Jabari was calling. I hadn’t talked to this silly ass nigga in a few days, which was the only reason I reached for the phone and proceeded to answer it.

  “This nigga,” I mumbled and put the phone on speaker when I answered it.

  “What’s good? I haven’t heard from your ass since a few days ago when you told me you were going to pop up on Mahogany. Let me find out your ass in love and shorty is taking up all your time,” I called out, and he laughed on the other end of the line.

  “Fuck you, nigga! Your ass the one all the way in Orlando, all lovey-dovey with Shae and shit. I’m chilling, yo.”

  I could hear the stress in his voice, and I knew my cousin well enough to know that something was going on with him.

  “Why you calling me for if you chilling? You don’t ever call this late. What’s up?” I asked.

  “How many days gotta go by
before it’s too late for shorty to take a Plan B?” he eventually asked.

  I held the phone in my hand, looking down at it, and basically trying to see if this conversation was really about to happen. Granted, I done talked about some crazy shit with this nigga because Jabari was bat shit crazy, but damn, sometimes I was at least expecting him to spare a nigga with the shit that he chooses to talk to me about.

  “Shit, I don’t know. Google the shit, nigga. You preach all that shit about wrapping your dick up every time you fuck, so why you worried about a Plan B?” I asked.

  When it came to raw fuckin’, Jabari was worse than a teenage daughter of a pastor who wasn’t trying to get pregnant. That’s my cousin, and I was with him damn near three days out of the week, so I knew his ass kept a condom on him at all times. For him to slide in some shit raw, his silly ass had to be in love.

  “I did google the shit, but it’s saying different things. I saw one lady say how she took the Plan B the next day, and her ass was still pregnant. Fucckkkk! It’s been about a week, and I swear I think I got Mahogany pregnant. It wasn’t just one time, nigga. It was straight raw fuckin’ back to back. I told her dumb ass to take the pill the next day, but she forgot. Shit, man,” he yelled.

  I was trying so fuckin’ hard not to laugh because this nigga was seriously sitting on this phone with a whole damn attitude for possibly getting a woman pregnant when he didn’t do shit to stop that from happening.

  “Where she at anyway?” I asked.

  “Sleep, with her good pussy ass. We just got back an hour or so ago from the movies. Where Shae at? Let me ask her. I want to get a woman’s perspective,” he called out.

  “She’s right here. Handle your business, nigga. I’m trying to get some alone time with her,” I let him know.

  I could hear him about to say something, but I hung up on his ass.

  “You hear this shit? I swear the two of them are made for each other. I wouldn’t mind them having a baby together. I feel like it will grow Jabari’s ass the fuck up,” I let Shae know and put the blunt out.

  “Mahogany always makes it seems like she doesn’t want any kids. I personally think she’ll be a good mom though, just from watching her with Vonte all these years or from seeing her with other people’s kids. I’m calling her first thing in the morning. I didn’t even know she was back messing around with Jabari. She told me she was done with him,” Shae said.

  “That’s a woman for you.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean? Men come running back too,” she went on to say.

  “Yeah, if we feel like the shit is worth it, though. If you my girl and you fuck another nigga, it’s no coming back from that, and—”

  “What if you fuck another bitch, though? I’m dying to hear this. Niggas cheat allll the fuckin’ time and for whatever dumb ass reason, us women always forgive and come back. Elaborate on that for me,” she said, looking me dead in my eyes and challenging me to say some shit that she didn’t want to hear.

  “I can’t speak for no cheating ass nigga because I don’t cheat. If a woman decides to take a man back after he cheats, then that’s on her. I read some shit a while back that every time a man cheats on a woman and the woman takes him back, he’s giving her a reason to love him less and less. Fuck Ima give my shorty a reason to fall out of love with me? On top of that, no disrespect, but you bitches are crazy. Y’all a make like y’all forgive us and take us back, just so y’all could poison us, cut our dick off in our sleep, or some other inhumane shit like that. I’m not putting shit past no woman. If I cheat, leave me because y’all say that y’all will forgive us, but honestly speaking, do y’all really forgive us? Y’all learn to resent the fuck outta us,” I said, and she nodded her head in agreement.

  “That’s so true. Back when Trip was free, he stayed cheating, and I stayed taking him back. Each time I decided to take him back, I swear I loved him less and less. Just like you said, I resented the hell out of him too. We could be watching a movie together, and he could wrap his arm around me, and I would notice myself tensing up because all I would be able to think about was the bitch that I had to found out from the streets that he fucked around on me with. Even now, like when I would go and see him, I could still feel myself holding onto the past. No woman likes to be cheated on, especially if the dick is good. As women, we are over thinkers. If you fuckin’ me, eating me, making me cum back to back, and I hear that you fucked another bitch, I’m going to automatically think you were doing that to the next bitch, and I can’t handle no shit like that,” she let me know.

  “Same thing here. If you my girl, I’m going to automatically be selfish than a motha fucka when it comes to you. If that’s my pussy, make it where it’s mine only. If I find out that you gave that shit away, I don’t even know if I could forgive you for some shit like that. If you sucked the nigga dick too, you might as well let me help you pack your shit because ain’t no coming back from that. In my opinion, it’s easy; don’t fuck around on me, and I won’t do the same to you,” I spoke.

  I loved that Choc and I could come together and have some real life, adult conversations. Even when we didn’t agree with each other, we didn’t make the shit a big deal. Some of the best conversations that I had were with her. We stayed outside for at least another ten minutes before I said that it was time for me to take a shower.

  “Wait in here for me. Don’t go back in your room,” I told her as I removed my shirt and threw it on the bed. I already had my shower water running.

  We were staying in a three-bedroom villa, so each of us had our own room. When Shae lay down on the bed and let me know that she wasn’t going anywhere, I went in the bathroom and cracked the door behind me. Ten minutes into my shower, I had managed to wash my hair with the Dove men’s shampoo that I’d packed. Now, I was standing under the shower head with the steaming hot water running down my body. One of the things that I liked about this big ass bathroom was the fact that I had the option to dim the lights, so I had it where it wasn’t too light, but it also wasn’t too dark. If anything, it was the perfect glow.

  My back was turned toward the bathroom door because I still had the water running down on my body. When I eventually turned around, my eyes landed on something so fuckin’ beautiful that for at least three minutes, I just stood there, taking it all in. I felt like the longer I stood there and looked, the more this image would be inside my head for a very long time, so I didn’t dare look away.

  I had seen plenty of naked bodies throughout my lifetime, but nothing like this. My dick was hard just from looking at her alone. Choc stood in front of the door, and it was as if I could just feel her confidence. Shorty knew that she didn’t have flaws, and I wasn’t even just talking about her body; I was talking about everything. I had met some beautiful ass women, and the physical part was everything and more, but once I reached deep inside and their personality came out, that shit was ugly as fuck.

  I hated a beautiful woman with a nasty ass attitude. It was one thing to not be friendly, which was fine, but I couldn’t stand a stuck up, mean bitch. Choc was fine, and her personality was even finer. Swear, if she was mean, I wouldn’t want any dealings with her. When I say mean, I’m not talking about those females who ignore a nigga when he’s trying to holler either. I’m talking about those bitches who walk around with a permanent mug on their face as if the world owes them some shit.

  “You going to just stand over there the whole time or you going to get in with me?” I finally asked her.

  When she was outside on the balcony with me, her hair was down. Now, she was naked with her long hair pulled on top of her head in a messy bun, basically proving to me what she’d come in there for.

  Instead of answering my question, she just walked over to where I was. I held the glass door open for her, and she came right in, having no problem letting the hot water run down her body. She stood directly in front of me, and her arms wrapped around my waist as she laid her head on my chest. Shae didn’t even need anot
her shower; she just wanted to come in with me.

  For at least five minutes, I didn’t do or say shit. I didn’t want to look like I was pressed over some pussy, even though I kind of was. Even if I didn’t show that I was pressed, my body did all the talking for me because I knew that she could feel my dick. I finally had the woman of my fuckin’ dreams, right here, all up in my personal space, and all of a sudden, I just felt stuck. I knew that once we crossed that line, it was no turning back.

  I said in the beginning that if Shae and I ever got together, we were going to crush a couple of hearts, but for the first time in my life, I wanted to be selfish and fuck trying to appease everybody else.

  I kissed from the top of her head to her nose, and when I got to her lips, I kissed her with the same amount of passion that I did last night on the beach. I could taste the Colgate toothpaste that she’d used to brush her teeth with tonight. Kissing didn’t do shit for me but make my dick even harder, so I eventually left her lips alone and placed kisses along her chest while I held her small breasts in my hands so I could suck on her dark nipples, which I swore tasted like chocolate.

  I knew Shae was horny; I could feel the shit in the way she was nonstop moving as I held her or from the heavy breathing that she was doing. I left her nipples alone to kiss around her stomach area, which was flat as hell. Because she was inhaling and exhaling so deeply, when her stomach muscles showed, I could see the little four pack that she had in her abs area.

  I had dreamt about eating her pussy for a very long time, and I knew she dreamed of me doing the shit too because I didn’t even have to tell her to spread her legs a little bit for me, so I could have better access; she just did the shit automatically. Shae’s pussy was honestly beautiful. I saw a stupid ass meme on Instagram a while back of people trying to be funny, comparing a black woman’s pussy to an ugly black frog, and I swear that shit was the furthest thing from the truth. Her pussy was smooth and black, just like everything else on her body.