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  “You going to give me my phone back now?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “Why you such in a rush to get that phone back? You ready to go call that broke ass nigga?” he asked and I could see the jealousy written all over his face.

  Laughing and looking into his eyes, I said, “I’m not in a rush to call nobody. You’re about to leave so I need my phone back.”

  Jaquan stared back at me. It was like he was trying to think whether or not he should give me my shit back. A few seconds later, he reached inside of his pockets and placed my phone in my hands.

  “Thank you,” I said, turning around, about to go in the house.

  “Charlie?” he called out, looking at me with a very serious look on his handsome face.

  “What?” I asked, looking back at him.

  “I love you, man,” he said. I didn’t miss the sadness mixed with the anger that came along with those three words. It was like he was trying to tell me something but was just too scared to do so.

  “I love you, too, Jaquan. Drive safe to wherever it is your about to go to and call and check up on us tomorrow,” I told him and he nodded his head.

  After I watched him get into his car and pull away, I headed into the house and set the alarm. I left all of the shopping bags in the foyer of the house, promising to hang the clothes and stuff up tomorrow. After wrapping my hair, I took myself a steaming hot shower, dried off, brushed my teeth and threw on some long pajama pants from Pink with a tank top. I went into my daughter’s room to check up on her and after showering her sleeping face with kisses, I went back into my room. When I reached my bed, I looked over at my dresser and I noticed two stacks of money lying on the night stand. I walked over to it and the first stack was sitting there with a sticky note that read, “Charlie” and the second stack’s sticky note read, “China.” I smiled because Jaquan must have left that there when he went to go put China in her bed. Even though I didn’t need the money, it still made a smile form to my lips because Jaquan was always doing stuff like this for me and our daughter. I picked the money up and went into my walk-in closet, picked up my dirty clothes hamper and lifted the carpet that led to my safe. I typed in my code and placed the money in there along with the rest of the money that I had stored away. I thought very smart. Yes, I brought expensive shit, but I also saved.

  After getting into my bed, I checked my phone, noticing that I had missed calls from Monae and Toya but I was too tired, so I would call them back in the morning. I’d really enjoyed my time out today with my daughter and Jaquan, minus the aggravating ass groupie bitches. I honestly like when the three of us were together and I never wanted it to come to an end, but I just knew that it had to. I knew that eventually I was going to find my happiness with a man. I just had to keep praying about it and waiting on it. I was starting to get real inpatient though because eventually my ass was going to run out of batteries, fucking with these dildos. Shit, a bitch wanted to feel the real thing sooner or later.

  Chapter 3: Jaquan

  After dropping my baby mama and my daughter off at home, I headed over to my mama’s house to check up on her right quick. It was almost nine clock at night but I knew her ass was up though. I wanted to swing over there before I hit the studio because once I got in that booth, I didn’t need any interruptions because it would fuck up my whole thought process. When I went to go lay down some dope ass tracks, I didn’t need any distractions from anybody.

  Being with Charlie and my daughter today made a nigga secretly yearn for that whole family thing. Cruising through these Miami streets with my daughter in the backseat and the woman that birthed her in the passenger seat made my ass start thinking some things. I was really fooling myself when I thought that I didn’t want to be with Charlie like that anymore. Hearing her on the phone with Toya and listening to how another nigga wanted to fuck with my baby mama made my ass get hot. I ain’t no dumb ass nigga, though. I knew plenty of niggas wanted to fuck my baby mama. Hell, I wanted to fuck my baby mama but Charlie’s ass was mean as fuck, I swear to God she was. These nigga thought that they wanted to fuck her, but I knew for a fact that they couldn’t handle a woman like that. It’s fucked up because I fucked different bitches every fuckin night but I didn’t want another nigga to even look Charlie’s way. I legit have niggas with me in the studio begging me to let them just get some type of conversation with Charlie. I don’t even get offended, though. I actually find the shit to be quite comical. Those lil niggas wouldn’t know what to do with a pussy as dangerous as her shit. The last time I even sampled Charlie’s shit was about eight months ago and the only reason she even let me hit was because her and China ended up spending the night at my crib in Star Island on Miami Beach because it started pouring down raining and I wasn’t about to have her drive in that weather. I swear that was the last time I even got a whiff of that pussy and a nigga missed that and her so much.

  I’d told Charlie I loved her tonight because honestly I hadn’t told her that shit in a long time. I appreciated her most of all and I wanted to somehow show my appreciation. That little money that I left on her dresser wasn’t shit, though. I did that just because. But knowing Charlie, she was going to save that money like she did with all the other money that I gave her ass. With most baby mamas, you got to fuss at their asses because they spent too much of the money. I fussed with Charlie because her ass didn’t spend shit that I gave her. She wanted to prove to me that she’s a boss and independent and that she had her own money. That’s cool and all and I wasn’t about to knock her hustle.

  Ten minutes later, I was pulling up to my mom’s mansion that I’d copped for her up in Sunny Aisles. The beach was literally in my old girl’s backyard. I’d promised myself that when I got rich and famous, I was going to have my mama quit her job and put her in a fuckin mansion and that’s exactly what the fuck I did. Just like how my baby mama and my daughter didn’t want for shit, my damn mama and my sister didn’t want for shit either. Getting out of the car, I walked up to my mother’s door and inserted my key. Entering the house, I could hear two voices, so I followed the voices which led me to the kitchen.

  “Is that my Bookie?” my mom asked, calling me by that gay ass nickname that she had given me when I was a little boy.

  “Ma, how many times I got to tell you to stop calling me that gay ass shit?” I said and she playfully knocked me upside my head. Looking at my mother, I took in her natural beauty. My mama was one of them old fashioned mamas that used to make your ass go outside to get a switch off of the tree, just to turn around and beat your ass with it. My mom was 45 years old but she swore her ass was 21. I wasn’t going to lie though, my mom looked good for her age. My mom was standing at 5’5, about 140 pounds, with the same hazel eyes that I had. Right now, she was wearing her long hair in a ponytail and she looked so beautiful.

  “What brings you by here to see us regular folk?” my mom asked me. She liked to play like I didn’t pay her any attention and that I was always on the move. Truth was, whenever I had time, I made it my business to come and spend time with my family.

  “I just dropped off Charlie and China. I’m about to head to the studio and I wanted to stop by before I left,” I said to her, going into her refrigerator to get a bottle of water.

  “That’s why her ass didn’t answer the phone. I called Charlie twice today,” my sister Monae fussed. Monae was 20 years old and if Charlie didn’t give my ass gray hairs first, it was going to be my little sister. I loved my sister to death, but I had her ass too spoiled. Just like China, she had my ass wrapped around her damn finger. My sister was very beautiful. She looked nothing like me, though. My mom said that she takes after our so-called father. While my mother and I were tall, Monae only stood about 5 feet even. While my mother and I had hazel eyes, Monae’s eyes were the prefect hue of brown. She also had thick, long, pretty hair that she liked to switch up every chance she got. Monae was in community college studying to be a psychologist but she wasn’t fooling nobody with that lie but our ma
ma. Monae’s ass didn’t want to do nothing but spend my money and run the fuckin streets with Charlie and Toya.

  “That’s because I took her shit and held onto it until I brought her back home,” I said, letting Monae know.

  “Why you took her phone for?” Monae asked me.

  “Yeah, why you took my daughter-in-law phone?” my mom jumped in, always feeling the need to co-sign some shit when it came to Charlie. My mom loved Charlie and she wanted us to get married and be a family, and all of that other shit.

  “Because Toya little head ass gone call her trying to put her down with some lame ass nigga. I got mad because Charlie was entertaining that shit, so I took her damn phone because that was pissing me off,” I said, and both my mama and my sister started laughing like a nigga had just told the world’s fuckin funniest joke or some shit.

  “You want that girl, just admit it,” my mama said and I waved her off.

  “I don’t know why you get so mad when me and mama say that you still want Charlie. Just admit it, big brother. You don’t want other niggas talking to her and you get mad when she entertain another nigga. If you want her, you better get her now before Toya hook her ass up with a balla,” Monae said, laughing.

  I went inside my joggers and sat down four stacks of money on the counter. Laughing, I stated, “You think I’m worried about some shit like that? Show me that nigga you talking about that got more money than me.” I wasn’t even trying to sound cocky or no shit like that but Monae’s ass knew how to make a nigga get out of his element.

  “Whatever, boy,” Monae said, taking one of the stacks and running upstairs. I wasn’t even about to run after her ass so I let her keep it and shook my head.

  “Alright, Ma, I’m out. I’m about to head to the studio,” I said, pulling my mom in to give her a hug.

  “Okay, son, be safe out there and I love you,” she said, kissing my cheek.

  “I love you, too, ma.”

  And after that, I was out of the door.

  2:01 A.M

  She said Quan baby, I want to be your girl

  She said Quan baby, you are my world!

  Bitch, please! That’s just that liquor talking!

  That’s just that liquor talking!

  That’s just that liquor talking!

  It was fuckin two in the morning and I was in the studio fuckin snappin. I was high as shit right now and I was most definitely in beast mode, killing this song. Right now, I was working on my new song, “Liquor Talking,” and I knew for a fact that that shit was going to be a hit. This was the type of music that was going to play in the club and all the bad ass bitches were going to be feeling themselves once that shit came on. Occasionally, I liked to do something for the ladies as well. I mean, niggas could bump this shit, too, but it was mostly for the ladies.

  “When you say that part, ‘bitch, please,’ add more emphasis on the word ‘bitch!’ We want them scandalous hoes to know that we see right through their bullshit,” Sincere, my producer, let me know.

  “Alright, run that shit back, man,” I said after I took a sip of my Henny from the Styrofoam cup and got back in my zone.

  In the middle of the second verse, I looked down and saw that my phone kept vibrating in my pants pocket. After we took a break, I pulled my phone out to see who was blowing my phone up like this and it was nobody but Chantel’s ass calling me. I decided to call her back just to see what the fuck she wanted with me, even though I knew that there were only two things that she could have possibly wanted and that was dick or some money.

  “What’s good, Chantel?” I asked, already ready to hang up the phone.

  “I miss you, can you come and see me tonight?” she asked sexily into the phone.

  I might as well. Shit, I could use a good nut right about now. I knew that I had about another hour to be in the studio before I took my ass home and then I would be able to slide on Chantel. “I’m at the studio right now, but when I leave, I’ll come through,” I told her.

  “Okay, daddy, I’ll be waiting,” she cooed into the phone and I hung up after that.

  Two hours later, I was leaving the studio and on my way to Chantel’s house. She stayed in a three bedroom condo out in Miramar. I honestly don’t know how the fuck her ass paid her rent because she didn’t work. Yes, I gave her money but shit, I wasn’t giving her money like that. Like I said, she wasn’t my bitch, she was just somebody that I was fuckin at the time. The most money I’d probably ever given to Chantel was maybe about two hundred dollars. I’m not gone lie, though. I buy her shit every once in a while, but that’s as far as that goes. I didn’t trust these hoes, so I wasn’t about to be handing them large stacks of money to go spend it on another nigga. Hell no, wasn’t happening!

  Ten minutes later, I was pulling up to her condo. I parked my money green 2015 Camaro in the guest parking lot and got out. I took the stairs to the second floor and walked down to Chantel’s door. I knocked two times and a minute later, she came to the door wearing a black silk robe that stopped at the middle of her thigh. Her hair was pinned up in a soft bun and she smelled so good. I looked at her hands and feet to make sure her shit was done because I swear to God if they wasn’t, I was walking right out of this door. I was a nigga with expectations. Just because I could fuck every bitch every day of the week didn’t mean I was going to fuck any bitch. I had fucking standards. I only fucked with bad ass bitches, so it would be a blessing to any female for me to stick my dick inside of them.

  “Hey, daddy, I missed you all day,” Chantel cooed, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  I nodded my head and reached back to close her front door. I noticed the hickies that she had surrounding her neck and a smirk formed to my lips, but I didn’t even say anything. I knew for a fact that I didn’t put them shits on her neck, which just led me to believe that she was fuckin with another nigga. I didn’t give a fuck about that, though. She wondered why I took her ass for a joke whenever she felt the need to express how much she wanted to be my girl.

  “I saw the pictures of you, your daughter and Charlie on Instagram. The Shade Room posted it,” she said to me and I looked at her, annoyed. Whenever I was around her, she always felt the need to throw up my baby mama and my daughter. I low key felt like she was trying to say something but she just didn’t have the guts to say it because she knew that I would knock her ass out for saying some foul shit about my family.

  “You called me over here to talk about my family or you called me because you wanted to fuck?” I asked bluntly.

  “Quan, why do you do me like this? Why every time I invite you over, you just assume that I just want to fuck?” she asked with a scowl on her face.

  “Because that’s what the fuck you do! Why else would you come to the door wearing nothing but a damn robe?” I asked her.

  “It’s like, damn. Can I fix you something to drink or something?” she asked me.

  “If I wanted something to drink, I would have stopped to get me something on my way over here! What’s it going to be, Chantel? Are we fuckin or what because what you won’t do, another woman will,” I said.

  She looked at me for a few seconds and then reached her hand out to place mine in hers. She led me to her bedroom and sat me down on her bed. I got up off the bed right quick so that I could place my gun on her dresser and then made my way back over to the bed. Chantel’s room was decorated in pink and cheetah. Her bed set was cheetah and all the rugs on her floor were pink. I looked around her room and watched as she got on her knees to take off my boots. After she removed my boots and my socks, she reached her hands up to pull down my joggers and then she pulled down my boxers. She didn’t even have my dick hard yet. I watched on as she placed soft kisses on my thighs and then she wrapped her lips around the head of my dick. That brought my monster to life and I brought my hands up and placed them on each side of her head. She was giving me some sloppy head right now, damn near shoving my entire dick down her throat.

  I’m not going to lie, Chantel’s ass
was a beast at sucking dick, that’s probably why I kept her ass around. I didn’t even know how that shit was possible but each time she would slurp my shit, it would grow bigger and bigger. Her ass was taunting me by slurping on the head of my dick while staring directly into my eyes with her watery ones.

  “Suck that dick just like that,” I grunted, taking her hair out of the bun she had it in and to run my fingers through her hair. She started humming on my dick and started alternating between sucking my shit slow and then very fast and when I felt my toes curl, I knew that I was about to cum in a few short seconds.

  “Fuck, girl, I’m finna bust,” I said, fucking the shit out of her mouth like it was her pussy.

  “Hmm, Quan, you taste so good,” Chantel moaned, standing up and trying to kiss me in the mouth, but I moved my head. Fuck wrong with her ass? She knew damn well I never kiss her ass in the mouth. I felt like kissing was only for the person that you loved and God knew that I didn’t love these hoes. The only lips I ever kissed were my daughter’s and Charlie’s.

  I watched as Chantel went to undo her robe and once it hit the floor, I stared in awe at her beautiful body. The piercings that she had on each of her nipples were sexy as fuck. She stood up from the floor and sat down on my lap, acting as if she was about to slide my dick inside of her raw.

  “Chantel, why you acting like all this shit is new to you? When the fuck have I ever kissed you and when have I ever slid inside of you without a rubber?” I asked, waiting to hear what she was about to say. She was really starting piss me off and my dick was about to go limp fucking around with her ass.